Features of Bootstrap 3 Templates and a Few Good Choices to Make

Bootstrap 3 is an advanced version of Bootstrap framework which is chosen by a huge number of developers and designers now. Compared to the older versions, it has a lot of exciting features as a result of being fully rewritten and redesigned to meet up with the changing trends in web development industry. Along with HTML5 , web designers can really do magic with Bootstrap. Major changes in the latest Bootstrap release are: - Bootstrap is now coming with an excellent flat design. This of course is a cool feature, but as you can see, all designers and users are not fans of this trend. There are a lot of other options too for them. - Bootstrap also follows a mobile-friendly approach, which ensures responsiveness by default. This makes it easy for you to start building from portable devices and then scale up. So, responsiveness is not a separate task to achieve but comes built in. - The new grid system is so powerful which helps to simplify the design process by ...